Mapping The Scent: V.2 Darkness
a Whispered Dare

Like summer snow, ash blankets
the scorched bush, sunlight cutting
through—the image (left) defined
the creation of V.2 Darkness.

"V.2 Darkness—a scent forged in fire and the unknown like a whispered dare, as alluring as the night itself."

In Darkness We Dream

Fragrance is memory, emotion, transformation. On International Fragrance Day, we explore V.2 Darkness—a scent forged in fire and the unknown like a whispered dare, as alluring as the night itself.

The creation of Black Heart v.2 began with an image. After the first iteration felt incomplete, the Australian bush near our home was burned—a natural cycle of destruction and renewal. Jeff captured the blackened trees, silver ash falling like summer snow, sunlight filtering through the aftermath. This was darkness in its purest form. We sent the image to perfumer Jacques Huclier and our fragrance developer Giovanna Aicardi.

Darkness, we realised, is not one thing. It is both repelling and magnetic, a force that draws you deeper. In scent, it had to be uncompromising. 

The fragrance was reimagined with an intense duality—sharp citrus and eucalyptus cutting through the smouldering depth of smoky woods, sandalwood, and complex spices. A structure without the traditional three tiers, but rather two forces colliding: the fresh and luminous against the dense and haunting.

Like Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, which inspired it, Black Heart V.2 is a journey into the unknown self. Not for everyone. But for those drawn to the edge, it lingers, changing you.

On this International Fragrance Day, we celebrate scent as a map—to places within and beyond ourselves.